The Well-Tempered Computer, an introduction to computer audio

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Berkeley Audio Design announces The Alpha USB Interface

Based on Gordon Rankin's Streamlength asynchronous USB transfer code, the new box converts USB into S/PDIF and outputs digital signal over 1 x RCA and  1 x AES/EBU.  It features a carefully designed power supply with a $1,695 expected retail price.

More details at

Berkeley Audio Design was founded by ex Pacific Microsonics veteran, most notably Michael “Pflash” Pflaumer, who co-headed the development of the HDCD process and the Pacific Microsonics Model Two, still considered one of the best professional ADC and DAC ever made.

The Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC was their first product and the new USB interface box is to bridge the gap between the excellent DAC and computer playback.