You need a converter to translate the USB input to a protocol (e.g. I2S or SPDIF) the chip does understand.
The XMOS is a popular USB class 2 audio compliant converter used by many manufacturers of asynchronous USB DACs. .
- USB endpoints use the asynchronous synchronization
- 500 MIPS, 8 threads, XS1-L1 processor
- 2 Channel analog input
- 2 Channel analog output
- USB 2.0 high speed interface - supports multiple 24 bit, 192kHz channels with extremely low latency (3ms round trip)
- Plug-and-play with Audio Class 2.0 enabled computers (native Mac OSX support, Thesycon Windows drivers available)
- Audio Class 1.0 compliant - native Mac OSX and Windows support
- Asynchronous clocking - complete control of the audio master clock
Basically a USB to I2S converter. Optional support for SPDIF/ADAT/MIDI